Forum Closure

Well, it was inevitable that Bethesda pulled a “Bioware” and took down their forums. Their forums will be shutting down on May 24 . That doesn’t leave much time to do much.

While not as toxic as the old BSN, it was well on its way. It was especially toxic after FO76 came out and also in the Skyrim forums. Have been meaning to get back into posting, helping people, and saying hello on the Fallout 4 side and had mentioned to a friend on a private Discord server that I had wanted to, but have been busy with making mods and then had some family issues to take care of and haven’t had a chance.

Mod Comments Forums

The comments sections of mods are going down as well as the forums, which is the most concerning thing, so comments will be out for checking any possible load order issues. Bug reports for a lot of mods will be on Nexus now so check the mod page of ports, and if a ported mod doesn’t contain a link to a page where you can receive support, then I suggest you not download it. I’ve still got 134 mods pages to update. I’ll be supporting my mods from here or Discord. A lot has happened since my last post in November! I hadn’t realized I’d gone so long without posting.

Website Migration

I’ll be migrating over to a domain name soon with a new forum and bug tracker,, so bookmark it for updates.

Changelog 5/18/2021

I’ve archived several forum posts so they are still accessible with’s Wayback Machine. I’ve also updated the links on the new Discord channels at Armored Reptile Gaming. I should have the new channels ready to go in a few days.

The tiny, tiny changes to the Survival Guide are to the links in the Useful Links section and throughout, updated missing links to missing bookmarks from the last time I updated, and fixed some noticeable grammatical errors.

Updated Blank Template

If you want to keep yourself organized outside of the game, grab a blank template of the Load Order Framework and fill it out. If you need one-on-one load order advice, you can contact me. If you just want to chat and ask about mods or have questions about using the Guide and Framework, use the comments section below.