
Updates have been sporadic.

Now that the site looks like how I want it to, updates should be more regular. It will be a month or two before this site hits search engines and knocks the old site down a peg or two when doing a Google search for oddlittleturtle. lol

On a personal note: Between the both of us, we’ve had two COVID-19 scares this year, and I was ill for about a month due to an unrelated respiratory illness and other health issues. Karen died and all hell broke loose.

I’ve gone back to playing and modding Fallout 4 (instead of Skyrim and Fallout 76), so I’m hopeful to have some Fallout 4 Xbox One-exclusive content for players to have fun with soon.

If you have any questions, use the comments or ask on Discord.

9/17/2020 – changelog

Example List Updates

  • Not very much added to the example list other than updates to NAC due to NAC X being ported. Have not looked at the sound issue or HUD issue in the CK so cannot comment on it til I do.

Minor Changes

  • Updated the official website address to the changelog at the wordpress domain.
  • Grammar updated throughout.
  • Minor updates throughout. (Users may be able to click on the document itself to see what changes those were.)

New Bookmarks for Linking

  • Bookmarked the definitions of the categories for easier linking rather than use the list at the bottom to make it more user-friendly.