I don't even know where to begin. Bethesda actually featured one of my mods this month!

They said Ugh. Vendor Rugs. was a nice "light-weight" mod. :) Aww.

Yeah. It tiny.

Fallout 4 – June Featured Mods
We’re featuring a wide selection of community mods for Fallout 4 this month, with intricate quests, incredible equipment and a ton of workshop items!
Ugh. Vendor Rugs. was featured this month. :3

Download it!

Ugh. Vendor Rugs.
Odd’s Mods: Ugh. Vendor Rugs. Super simple and light. Created for those who don’t want a lot of extra stuff in your workshop menus.


Don't forget to rate it and share it with your friends! You can use the Twitter and Facebook buttons on the Bethesda page to do so.

Add it to your favorites! Don't have enough room? Now you do! Download Ugh. Mods Manager Cap and expand your in-game favorites.

Holotape Tutorial

Are you starting your modding journey and want to make mods for Fallout 4? I made a holotape tutorial and posted it to the Creation Kit Wiki. I hope it's helpful to someone. :)