This is reprinted in full from my WordPress website. Hindsight it should be removed now since it contains old data. Please see newer posts and our website policies for all information regarding our new site and use of our parent server.


There’s a lot to talk about this month. So many wheels turning, so much to do, so much that has been done and then scrapped. I’m about two weeks behind on everything.

We’ll start off with the good news and then get into the crap news.

New Mods and Updates to Old Mods

I’ll be updating the descriptions to all my mods directing them to the new site over the coming weeks as I finish their pages.

The first one that got the update was Ugh. Mods Manager Cap. If you haven’t downloaded it, you can get it for either Skyrim or Fallout 4.

And it has its own dedicated page at the new site.

Ugh. Mods Manager Cap.

Download for Skyrim SEDownload for Fallout 4

Wasteland Imports

Not going to put a date to it but I’m really hoping to have the Xbox-only version of Wasteland Imports completed soon.


Not sure if anyone is actually looking forward to it. There will be two versions, one will have more powerful DLC enemies in the Commonwealth. Someone recently requested it, and I thought it would be a good thing to add to it as an addon.

Ugh. Mods.

I have some things still on the burner that need to be completed. That I should have some news on so stay tuned for that. Those things will be discussed on the new site so be sure to sign up for the newsletter there. Keep reading for the link to the site.

Load Order Patches

Starting next month, I’ll be posting Xbox One compatibility patches to help with load orders. These will be load order specific, and you’ll need to read all documentation thoroughly. I’ll have more info closer to time. There’s a lot of testing I still have to make time for. Can’t post them til they’re tested. I’ll be taking suggestions in the comments here, but not requests. As I have no idea idea what people are playing with, only suggestions for now.

Leave a suggestion or two in the comments below! What mods have you noticed need compat patches for Xbox One?

Discord Load Order Assistance

Armored Reptile Gaming Community

Load order help has changed from two Parent Servers into one Parent Server at the Armored Reptile Gaming Community. Having two was stretching my time too thin to keep up with being an admin at both. I have not updated all the links, and apologies for any confusion. The Survival Guide has been updated to reflect changes, but not this website since I’m still in the process of moving to the new domain.

I never really announced it, but I am officially a co-admin at ARG. I love our name because it fits both with the pirate ship theme and it blends perfectly with UGH. Love it.

Our mascot is the tuatara. This interesting New Zealand reptile has a third eye and has the most primitive hearing among amniotes, along with turtles. They are messengers of the Maori god of death and disaster, Whiro.

Meet the Engineering Corps

The Engine Room on the good ship ARG now has an engineering corps. Yay!

Edfitz, Kojo, Rhenim have all stepped up to provide dedicated assistance with FO4 load orders as Engineers. If you are not familiar with any of them, all three are very knowledgeable FO4 players, bringing with them experience on the Xbox One, Xbox One X, and PS4 Pro.

Edfitz is our resident Playstation guru and part of the team of great guys who put together the 0kb Problem-solving thread for Playstation players. If you missed out on getting assistance from him on one of 3lric or AndrewCX’s mods, mores the pity. He’s Team 3lritech’s Soul Collector and one of the most well-read individuals I’ve ever met.

Kojo is a senior officer aboard our ship, providing guidance and balance to both Skyrim and FO4 Xbox players. He’s also a member of 3lric’s Minions and gave Team 3lritech some great ideas as we were making Factories of the Commonwealth. When playing FOTC, you’ll find Kojo’s Easter egg for players.

Rhenim is our Synth courser, a blunt, no-nonsense Engineer who knows how to ask questions to make players think for themselves as they are learning load orders. If he asks a question, you know it’s because he cares about your game.

Odd Little Mod Lounge

Ugh. Website.

My website launch has not gone as planned. Navigation on is still screwed, and I really don’t have a way to add good navigation here that I can control. The template here is not to my liking but I cannot find one that I like for the cost that I can afford. This is almost as bad as the issues I was having with Blogger that prompted the move here. I have spent the last few weeks since getting home from vacation so frustrated. Nothing has gone as planned.

The plan

The original plan was to install WordPress on my new domain, with the new template that I made a few months ago, but WordPress is not compatible with my host’s sql stuff, and they were unable to install it. After we realized it could not be installed, a friend of mine’s husband, who is a programmer, started on a beautiful website for me until I realized that I would literally have to program meta tags for over 75 pages. That’s… no. nope. No. I need a database and a CMS. There’s far too much work to be done to have to write new header and footers for everything. So Ghost was chosen as the CMS.

Check it out

You can go see the site here. We’re still under construction, getting all posts from here migrated over there. I had to start over from scratch on everything when we switched from the html/php template to the Ghost CMS. So. Yay.

Don’t forget to bookmark the new digs!

Expect the layout and navigation to change. I have to make a brand-new theme for Ghost since the ones it comes with look either awful or does not look the way I want it to.  The current one I’ve chosen is horrible to navigate. Hoping to finally have something done by August 1st. If it’s not, welp. This is a hobby, and I’m only one person.

Subscribe to the new site’s mailing list

When you visit the new site, don’t forget to sign up for the mailing list over there. Once the site is complete, I’ll inform everyone on the mailing list. Ghost is supposed to have it’s own mailing list support built in, but I’m still trying to figure out everything, and I think it requires a membership set up through Stripe. Right now, is using the SendinBlue service for its mailing list.

I do have server costs for the new website now though. You can donate via paypal or support monthly via patreon. Your support is needed and appreciated.

Mod Comments

We’ll be using Disqus at the new site for commenting. Going with the basic version which is, unfortunately, ad supported. If I can get together $12/mo extra for the no-ads version, I’ll upgrade to it. If people use it for rude remarks then comments will be suspended. I’m not paying money for someone to yell at me about a video game when there are starving animals and children in the world, and there’s better things to do like help them not starve. Plus the moderation tools portion costs over $100 a month. No way to do it without financial help.

I’d like to be able to talk to people about things and answer questions outside of a chat room though. I’m not one for conversation. I do like helping people but I’m an extremely shy person. Blog-posts, forums, and comments are my preferred methods of communication. I mean, no one came and talked to me on my mod pages that much, but I’d still like to have information out in the open instead of tucked away on Discord.

Join the discussion

We love discussing how people play. Everyone has their own unique spin to how the story goes. Share your story with us.

How do you plan your load order? Do you need assistance as you plan or do you have questions about a specific mod?

Come join the discussion on the Armored Reptile Gaming network.

Stay informed of new posts by following on Twitter.

Do you have a suggestion for a few mods that need a compatibility patch? Let me know in the comments!


Odd’s Mods

Little Quality of Life Mods that Make Sense.

Fallout 4 XboxDownload 

Fallout 4 PlaystationDownload 

Skyrim XboxDownload 

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