Stay Hydrated, Friends

Mod Release: Ugh. Canteen. Auto-hydrates the player every 2.5 game hours during survival mode. Inspired by the Vault 13 canteen from Fallout: New Vegas.

· 1 min read
Stay Hydrated, Friends

Ages ago, I spoke with demonbreather about a thing and began this mod, then I forgot about it and it remained halfway complete until Ender mentioned a thing about needing Ugh. Canteens on Xbox.

So, I dusted it off, gave it the name Ender mentioned, hooked it into survival, and updated it to make sure it checked for the player sleeping.

Thank demonbreather for the initial convo (can’t remember what it was; it was in 2017 – I just had a note on the description doc I’d made for the first one) and Ender for getting me off my butt to complete it so it’s useful to survival players.

Ugh. Canteen.


Auto-hydrates the player every 2.5 game hours during survival mode.
Inspired by the Vault 13 canteen from Fallout: New Vegas.

Xbox One Exclusive


Survival Mode (no exceptions)

Load Order

Place with Gameplay with other mods that alter survival on your Framework.


Reliant on base game HC_ManagerScript. It is not recommended for use with Survival Options or Survival Stats Widget. Survival Options and Survival Stats Widget use an older version HC_ManagerScript that is not up to date with current code or UFO4P. If you choose to use SO or SSW with this mod, do so with caution. I cannot provide support for someone else’s mod that is not up to date.

Base game assets are used for making the new sounds and inventory object. All new forms.

Read the documentation before downloading to see if the mod is right for your load order.

Read the User Documentation

Curious about the inner workings? Anatomy of a Canteen

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Originally posted to my Wordpress blog

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